Friday, September 15, 2006


This is my idea of what my Capoeira logo would constitute of..a lion..majestic and graceful, the berimbau as the root of our movement, Capoeira in white for the purity of our attitude and our motto, amor e respeito meaning love and respect, the values that all Capoeirista must carry with whereverthey go. Well I guess red and white part of the work of my patriotism =)

Well I'm done with one whole week of intensive lectures!! Dr Malik was especially nice on the last day, generous with "study guides" and making smart comment about examinations. I'm glad its over and now we are down to serious zooming in of topics to study for the real thing! i'm all psyched up for it!! focus joe....focus!

Zi Yan (Liang Yi's bf) had many stories to share of his adventures in China's club scene...couple with how Stacy is continually conned from one place to another..haha, sigh..pull up your socks on mandarin!!

Supposedly meeting my buddies for supper but jackass have to work so early retreat for me as well, meeting fazli for run in sentosa early morning!! Time for a nice lil tan before Suria on Tuesday...thanks for the lobang Macaque!

Eyes closing on me...thank u Lord for Your blessings in my life, I look around me and I know that you have blessed me with many things, friends, family, love and health...give me a knowing heart Lord that I do not greed and be selfish, always giving and placing wisdom above wealth and worldly desires.
I pray that my friend Gwen will be blessed and charged with strength to live and pursue her dreams in making her decision.
Lord only your love endures the test of time and the shallow judgement of men, help me gain strength from you everyday.
Love you Lord,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

amor e respecto... congrats... keep going

11:18 AM  

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