Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bye Bye Grandpa

After much struggle and battle to keep himself up from the sickness, grandpa finally gave in on the 31st day of August, 2006. Funny he chose to go at a time when no one was there, perhaps yet another act of not imposing on people he left behind.

Grandpa had always been the man i respected as an old school loving father and head of a family...pulling my uncles and aunties..the grandchildren together, and always charismatic in his own way, quiet but wise, with lil words of wisdom in teochew for everybody. Looking at how fillial my uncles and aunties are warmed me up deeply, my grandpa indeed led a charmed life to have kids like these.

I couldn't offer any joss stick and incense and I also did not participate in the rituals in the wake because of the Christinized me but I was glad that God blessed me with understanding from my uncles and aunties to accept and stand by my belief. I only ask God to have mercy on my grandpa's soul.

Be sending grandpa on his final journey in a few hours time so time to hibernate i guess..



Blogger abacaxi said...

because sometimes there is no need to say goodbye.

9:48 AM  

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