Saturday, August 12, 2006

Prolonged infatuation, lust and trust

A tired day at Jubilee Hall which ended with spectacular fire works display.

Interesting to reflect that my perspective about relationship has changed so much within a mere two weeks.

I used to think that this world spins for love and that it conquers all odds, believing that believing it will give me the blessing of true love too. But I can now see it from another point of view too, that this romantic mindset can be the work of a prolonged infatuation, lust or trust between two person. What is love after 36 years of marriage, 5 children and 6 grandchildren? What is love after more than 3 wives, at 3 different countries, all at the same time? And what is love after 6 years of companionship, two pillars by the grace of God and one hell of a depression, walking out of each other's life?

The beauty of fireworks was never how beautiful it peforms on the night sky, its always the story it tells of the people who are watching it together. The only thing that came to my mind was how much I could share the moment with people who really matters in my life, whoever and wherever they are.

Thank God You are here to catch me when I fall, make me strong and keep my faith in You Lord.

The journey to recovery starts with the grace of a forgiving heart.



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