Supper with Kenji San, Higashi No Tomodachi..ie..Nakamo desu.

Post Exam Bliss...
Watching anime was a huge sin during the pre exam period but after all the dominant design, Schumpeter curves, Anti-trust Policy and national system of innovation, I embraced one piece in its glorious beauty today.
Had a late supper last night at geylang with gang and then head home for a short rest before sending Stacy to the Airport. Went to Church and then obeyed God by resting on Sunday...a full day of nothing but sleep and anime hehe..
Key point in service today was how everyone is a potential and how we can either through faith attain fulfillment in our life or go the other way to disintegration. Guess its a bout knowing that above the law in this world is the law of God's grace, and as such, through Christ all things are made possible.
Still in my emotional sleep mode but guess I dun have to worry about jumping into any relationship or finding one, when its time to harvest we will know =) so leave it to God's will. I seek only to obey.
Praying for all my friends to be in good shape and a blessed life, giving and kind to all.